Bruno and Romina. A romantic wedding in Abruzzo

Romina and Bruno get married in July, last year. Adriano Mazzocchetti, the photographer who shot their wedding, describes them as two cheerful, simple and elegant guys. They met 16 years ago and after a short engagement, they broke their relationship. After years, they met again when Bruno completed his studies in Santiago de Compostela, they began to hang out again and their love gave birth to their daughter Vittoria. It’s after 5 years from their child’s birth, that they decide to get married in the wonderful Santa Maria Abbey in Propezzano, Teramo (Italy), built in 1466,
As the photographer tells: “When I arrived to the groom home, I’ve found a sort of frenzy… Spanish frenzy, actually! We had a lot of fun. To the bride, on the other hand, everything was very refined and intimate, starting from the little Vittoria, so sweet and funny.
The reception took place in the elegant Villa San Marco, enhanced from the DIY decorations made by Romina.


Ciao sono Adriano e fotografo istanti d'amore dal 1988.
Con me c’è sempre mia moglie Manola e ci lasciamo ispirare dai materiali naturali e dalle infinite forme creative dell’artigianato, perché crediamo nell’unicità di ogni storia che raccontiamo.

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