Wedding at San Pietro Church in Campovalano

Roberto and Cristina, these are the bride & groom’s names who I’m talking about today.

A couple born in their own working environment.

A happy hour together made them know there was spark between them, and that they belonged to each other.

After a few months, it happened one of the most romantic things: our bride and groom went to visit a very old church, Santa Maria Abbey in Propezzano (Italy, Abruzzo, Teramo) where 60 years before Cristina’s grandparents got married, on 31Th August 1950. And was there that, the same day, Roberto, getting out of the church, kneeled down and asked Cristina for become his companion for life… wonderful!

Nothing was random, Roberto had studied the smallest details: he knew how Cristina loved her grandparents and how she considered them an example for life, a couple always carried by eternal, unconditional and never scratched by difficulties love.

And yes, it’s really been a wedding with Love, celebrated in San Pietro Abbey in Campovalano (Italy, Abruzzo, Teramo): from the religious booklet made by the same bride & groom, where they put love quotes to read during the ceremony, to the tableau de mariage for the reception at Parco dei Poeti Restaurant (Italy, Abruzzo, Teramo, where Cristina and Roberto put the main famous kisses in history of cinema with their own kiss in the middle.

So, what do you say about this? … LOVE, LOVE, LOVE…


Ciao sono Adriano e fotografo istanti d'amore dal 1988.
Con me c’è sempre mia moglie Manola e ci lasciamo ispirare dai materiali naturali e dalle infinite forme creative dell’artigianato, perché crediamo nell’unicità di ogni storia che raccontiamo.

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